Today we got up like every day at seven o'clock.
Then at half past eight we had meeting with the teachers from Santa María de Guía high school about yesterday's problem.

After that we went by car to school. When we arrived at the school, we had breakfast. After, we went to class. some of the boys from my class were lost beacouse we didn't know the class was.
The first class was English, in this lesson we saw a film about literature, after maths, physics, maths and chemistery.
For lunch we had spaguetti with meat balls, and for dinner, salads, potatoes and ham.

I didn't had special english lessons beacause the teacher was missing so we did homerworks and was speaking even the car drove to came for us. After we went to the hotel.
My favourite moment of the day were:
- The English Lesson.
Then at half past eight we had meeting with the teachers from Santa María de Guía high school about yesterday's problem.
After that we went by car to school. When we arrived at the school, we had breakfast. After, we went to class. some of the boys from my class were lost beacouse we didn't know the class was.
The first class was English, in this lesson we saw a film about literature, after maths, physics, maths and chemistery.
For lunch we had spaguetti with meat balls, and for dinner, salads, potatoes and ham.
I didn't had special english lessons beacause the teacher was missing so we did homerworks and was speaking even the car drove to came for us. After we went to the hotel.
My favourite moment of the day were:
- The English Lesson.
Translation to spanish:
Hoy, como todos los dias nos levantamos a las 7 de la mañana. Luego, a las 8:30 fuimos a una reunión con los profesores del I.E.S Sª Mª de Guía,sobre los problemas que ocurrieron ayer. Despues subimos al coche y fuimos para el colegio. Cuando llegamos, desayunamos y fuimos a clase. Algunos de los chicos de mi clase nos perdimos porque no sabiamos donde estaba la clase.
La pimera clase que tuvimos fue inglés, ahi vimos una pelicula sobe literatura, después, matemáticas, fisica, matemáticas y química.
Para almorzar tomamos espaguetis con albóndigas, para cenar, tomamos ensalada, papas y pata asada. No tuve clases de apoyo al inglés porque el profesor faltó, asi que nos pusimos a hacer deberes y a hablar hasta que llegó el coche a recogernos. Por último fuimos para el hotel.
Hoy, como todos los dias nos levantamos a las 7 de la mañana. Luego, a las 8:30 fuimos a una reunión con los profesores del I.E.S Sª Mª de Guía,sobre los problemas que ocurrieron ayer. Despues subimos al coche y fuimos para el colegio. Cuando llegamos, desayunamos y fuimos a clase. Algunos de los chicos de mi clase nos perdimos porque no sabiamos donde estaba la clase.
La pimera clase que tuvimos fue inglés, ahi vimos una pelicula sobe literatura, después, matemáticas, fisica, matemáticas y química.
Para almorzar tomamos espaguetis con albóndigas, para cenar, tomamos ensalada, papas y pata asada. No tuve clases de apoyo al inglés porque el profesor faltó, asi que nos pusimos a hacer deberes y a hablar hasta que llegó el coche a recogernos. Por último fuimos para el hotel.
Omar & David
Hello ^^, I'm a student of IES José María Pérez Pulido, in La Palma, we're going to go to this school in June, we're very excited!! Make a blog was a good idea, thank you, now we are not so nervous. Well, I hope you have fun.
PS: I wrote in english because my teacher said to us that we have to do it, hehe.
Hello Jessi. In this trip we having a lot of fun. Just remember to bring some chocolate for the nights.
Tell the girls in the hotel to lend you the Dance School game.
Regards, David put your msn
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