Monday 26 th of November
Today is Monday, on the first period we had P.E., and the first twelve did the test of Cooper.
On second period we had English and we corrected the activities and the exam.
Then, Technology,(the best subject), where we learned to do graphics on the Calc.
In Maths we began with the next item.
In Geography Marisol didn´t come and we brought the Spanish period forward, where Cristian Pardon fell from the chair and they all began to laugh.
Tuesday 27 th of November
On Tuesday on first lesson, we had P.E. and the rest of the class did the test of Cooper.The teacher of Religion wasn´t in and we "studying" geography for the next period.
In technology we give laps around a table pretending electrons. In Biology we did an exam with book.
Then, in Maths, we corrected the homework and spoke all the class in English.
Wednesday 28 th of Novenber
In Physics and Chemistry corrected the two activities and later the teacher explained the new item.
Language test with very difficult activities. In English we arrived late.
In Geography, Marisol handed the exams. Then, in French, we learned vocabulary and we did femenin adjectives.
In Art, we finished a work of advertisement.
Thursday 29 th of November
At first period, Maths, we spoke in English and corrected activities.
In Religion, we talked about the Spanish Royal Family.
Art, we finished a work and began a new work about a landscape.
In English we did activities and talked about the glossary.
In Spanish handed the exams. Finally, in Biology, Carolina handed the exams and spoke about the items.

Some girls of our class
By Eluzay and Jonay
It´s is a very good work. We like it:)
OK guys; good work!
Next time just try to improve the format: use bolds, italics, and so on...
I hope Cristian doesn't mind being mentioned in the blog!
is a god work, i don´t know why, but i like it. :D :D
Good work Jonay and Eluzay hope that the mine will be as good as yours.
Hi Elu and Jonay! I like ir a tot! jajaja you comented all thingsthat we did!:-o!
Congratulations Boys!
Hey guys;)
It's a good work but I don't like the photo! It's a bad photo of me! haha. It's joke. Good work, good work.
hey!! It's a very good work jeje :P. Congratulations:D!!
Heej! (Hi!) in ducht lol
I like this work !!
Is nice But I don't like the picture when i'll done I'll introduce BeautifuLL pictures!!
xxx IS nICE!!!
Is a very goOd Work*
I like a lot !!
But i don't like the picture lol
But any problem when I do the work I introduce Beautifull Pictures
Boys your work is perfect you saw to having the best well-known congratulations. Thank you teacher for the wonderful idea
Is a very goOd Work*
I like a lot !!
But i don't like the picture lol
But any problem when I do the work I introduce Beautifull Pictures
Very good Eluzay and Jonay. I like your work.It is very nice
Bye! See you in class...
I like it too :D :D
Sorry for the photo, girls, but we haven´t other:)
HEllo jonay and eluzay I like the work is fantastic. Bye
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