Now we have finished working on the Heart and Circulatory System you can read a small review in
this link. You can answer the multiple choice and write it in the comments so you can gain some extra marks for Biology this term. Do it before wednesday 12th.

By Carolina
It's Okey!
Number 11 is Vena Cava!!!:D
The number 4 is aorta.
Teacher don´t forget the extra mark :D:D
Deoxygenated blood enters the righ atrium
The previous was made by Arminda and Estrella
Remember you have a link to get to the information and test as well as the diagram of the heart, so you can all gain extra marks.
by Carolina
The number 5 is Arteria pulmomar.
Number 10 is right ventricle!
SeeYouPeople! xD
I think that the number 7 is the mitral valve. :)
I think number 12 is tricuspid valve!
That`s correct?
number 4 is aorta!!
see you!! xxx
The number 3 is anterior vena cava
I think so. I love you people!!
Bye xxx
By: Moreyba
The number 3 is anterior vena cava
I think so. I love you people!!
Bye xxx
By: Moreyba
Thank you all for your answers, although most of you only worked on the heart diagram. What about the multiple choice in the link? I guess you didn´t even click there.
Soon we will have some questionaires about sex and reproduction,ok?
By Carolina
What's up guys? Your work it's ok. Congratulations! Kisses from Ariadniita, Carliita, Lauriita & Ilianiita.
By: 2º B (L)
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