I am writing you from Cambridge! This city is very beautiful, and it is famous because it has one of the best universities in the world: The University of Cambridge
It is very cold here; this morning it was snowing! In Cambridge, everybody rides a bicycle. I already have one. The problem is that sometimes it is difficult to find a place for parking your bike.

I hope to write you more during these weeks. Be good and enjoy!
PS: How is the weather like in Gran Canaria?
Here! It's snny but,, there is a lot of windy...:S!In the mornings my hair is...:S! horrible...:S!
How much ºC is there in cambridge?
the new teacher didn't come on monday and tuesday? Is she/he sick?
i hope that you are good there:D!
Míster!!! Here is very windy today (wednesday) I crashed against a car because the wind carries me!!!
See You!:D
Hello people!
The weather here is OK now, but last Monday we had 0 degrees Celsius. Very cold!!!!!
I hope the wind is over now. Monica, I am sure you can fix your hair when you get to school ;-)
Noemi, that is terrible! Maybe you need to carry a heavy stone so the wind doesnt push you to the cars
I wish you all a happy weekend. Take care,
Sure that is very funny cycle for Cambridge.
Today the weather is sunny...:-)
Good bye! see you soon!¡
by Estreyita
Hello Jose. Finally I found the way to write here with Feli´s help. I kindly hope you are freezing cold and bored to death. Please take notes of all the interesting things and lots of photos to make me sick. Your substitute is quite a nice girl and gets along with your work normally. What did you do during the weekend? I hope you´re having a cracking time and greet all the group in my name. See you Carolina
Hi mister!i finished the page web. in gran canary is very hot day. Carry one week well. a replacement teacher reach.
See you!
Hello everyone
Here the weather is awful. It rains all the time and the food is terrible. (This is so Carolina doesn't feel bad)
I am learning a lot about how Hich Schools are in England, and I hope to tell you all when I arrive. Here all the students wear uniforms, so start thinking about what uniform colors you prefer for next year.
Carmelo, you can send me your web in an e-mail. I will have a look to it when I have time
Thanks to all for your replies. I will keep posting!
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