Monday, October 13, 2008


Talking about proportions in the class, it came to our attention that there is a big percentage of left-handed people in the class!!
  • 7 left handed
  • 23 right handed

This is more than usual, isn't it?


Yanira Hernández. said...

tecaherrr a good idea i like it!!!
but i think in the class are 5 people with left hand 16.67% aproximate...i think it isn't ok...LOL LOL LOL
Good work see you tomorrow...!

Yanira Hernández. said...

sorryyyy i have a mistake i put tecaherrr and it's teacherrr!

CarLa*!! said...

yanira you are mistaken, there are 7 people lifties in te class. I count this sometimes today in the technology class.

feli said...

They say that left-handed persons are more creative and good at Arts and Technology. Is that true? Who are the left-handed in the gruop? We'll have to check

Kevin said...
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Kevin said...

feli, there are 7 left-handed person and we are Kevin Reyes, Laura, Octavio, Pedro Alberto, Elizabeth, Jeremy and Kevin Sosa.

Jeremy said...

yes I´m a left-handed and I think that I´m good in technology but I´m not good in art... Jo4

Eli said...

Hi, Feli it's true because i'm left and I'm good and technology and art, and I like much them.