Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Potential of Wind Power
I hope that you are all happy with your marks. Congratulations to all of you who have done a good work during this term. Keep it up!
I am posting today a very funny and original commercial about the potential of wind power. Something that we have already studied in the Technology class. This spot won the special price at the Cannes International Festival.
I hope that you enjoy it. And... don't forget to have a Merry Christmas!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
The Week of 3rd to 7th of December 2007
This was a very difficult day for al people in the class we had a P.E`s tes on the first period. we believe that the text was an exist!
TUESDAY 4th December-o7
WEDNESDAY 5th December-07
THRUSDAY 6th December-07
It was the first day of holidays we’ll do the homework and then we will go out for friends!
FRIDAY 7th December-07
* This week was okey! Patricia and Monica have done this work about the week!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
A Cool Tool
This paint brush (brocha in Spanish) has a some sensors and a digital camera, so it can copy colors from reality and use them to create a composition. Just have a look to this video to see how it works:
It is incredible what digital technology can do!
More info clicking here
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Second Week
Today is Monday, on the first period we had P.E., and the first twelve did the test of Cooper.
On second period we had English and we corrected the activities and the exam.
Then, Technology,(the best subject), where we learned to do graphics on the Calc.
In Maths we began with the next item.
In Geography Marisol didn´t come and we brought the Spanish period forward, where Cristian Pardon fell from the chair and they all began to laugh.
The teacher of Religion wasn´t in and we "studying" geography for the next period.
In technology we give laps around a table pretending electrons. In Biology we did an exam with book.
Then, in Maths, we corrected the homework and spoke all the class in English.
In Physics and Chemistry corrected the two activities and later the teacher explained the new item.
Language test with very difficult activities. In English we arrived late.
In Geography, Marisol handed the exams. Then, in French, we learned vocabulary and we did femenin adjectives.
In Art, we finished a work of advertisement.
At first period, Maths, we spoke in English and corrected activities.
In Religion, we talked about the Spanish Royal Family.
Art, we finished a work and began a new work about a landscape.
In English we did activities and talked about the glossary.
In Spanish handed the exams. Finally, in Biology, Carolina handed the exams and spoke about the items.

Can you make the Energy flow?
Here is a cool and easy game about Energies. You just need to put the correct objects in sequence to make the energy flow, from the source to the receiver.

Follow this link to the Science Museum to play.
Have fun... and let me know if you get to the end!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Week November 19th to 23th
A class week with ...
Yurena And Estrella
Monday 19th -November-07
It took a long time to arrive because there were a lot of cars. In the bus it was hot and for this Estrella was not very well
We visited The Thermal Power Station in Jinámar. It was a good experience and very
educative,of course. The station was very big but it was very hot. All this was possible thanks
to our Technology teacher Jose Miguel. Thank you very much.
Tuesday 20th - November-07
It was the test of Technology, about the renewable energies. It was more or less easy but
Yurena and I passed it. And in the end we had got a very easy Math test but the teacher did not take it!
Wednesday 21st-November-07
We had go a test of Physics and Chemistry it was perfect.
When we finished the test we went to the Alfredo Krauss theatre, to see a concert of “The Beatles” and “Bach”.
When the concert finished we went to Las Canteras beach and we ate a delicious squid sandwich, in the “Bosmediano” restaurant…
Thursday 22nd-November-‘07
This day we corrected the Math test, but this day was very boring
Friday 23rd-November-‘07
This days was very, very boring but with nervous, for example: The Math test was very difficult.
The Language test was very long. And a lot of homework, of course.
...The End of this week
Friday, March 16, 2007
Friday, 16th March
Today is Friday, it is the last day of the week and of lessons. We went to the school for breakfast. After breakfast we went to the computer room to finish the information about the greenhouse effect. In P.E. we played a game that I didn't know what it was called. It was great and I won many runs for my team. Then we took a photo with the English girls. In History time the English girls left to rehearse a play (the wizzard of Oz). In the break the English girls wrote on our backpack. In Chemistry the teacher let us do the diary. After of lunch, we went to the hotel walking, in the hotel we left the backpacks and went to the town of Saundersfoot. There we played a game similar to treasure hunt. We had to find the answers to fifteen questions. My team was called Spar. We didn't win because we had one answer wrong. After we went to the Spar to buy: food, sweets, soft drinks, etc. After dinner we went back to the hotel to do our luggage because tomorrow we will go to Cardiff and we will come back very late.
Hoy es Viernes, es el último día de la semana y de clases. Fuimos al colegio para desayunar. Después del desayuno fuimos al cuarto de ordenadores a terminar la información sobre el efecto invernadero. En la clase de E.F. jugamos a un juego que no se como se llama. Fue estupendo y gané muchas carreras para mi equipo. Luego nos hicimos una foto con las niñas inglesas. En Historia las niñas inglesas se fueron a ensayar una obra de teatro (el mago de Oz). En el recreo las niñas inglesas escribieron en nuestras mochilas. En Química la profesora nos dejó hacer el diario. Después de almorzar, fuimos al hotel caminando, en el hotel dejamos las mochilas y fuimos a el pueblo de Saundersfoot. Allí jugamos a un juego similar a la búsqueda del tesoro. Teníamos que encontrar las respuestas a 15 preguntas. Mi equipo se llamaba Spar. No ganamos porque tuvimos una respuesta incorrecta. Después fuimos al Spar para comprar: comida, golosinas, refrescos, etc. Después de cenar volvimos al hotel a hacer nuestras maletas porque mañana vamos a Cardiff y llegaremos muy tarde.
By Nazaret and Carolina.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Thursday 16th of March, 2007
Today we had French, English, Geography, History, Chemistry and Arts. We didn't have French because we went to extra English lessons for foreign students. Here the teacher gave us some sheets, in these we had to write 20 phrases about us and draw a picture about our island, home, etc. Then we had English, we finished the work about Juliet. After the break we had Geography, here we were meassuring the map. In History the teacher spoke about Constitucion, it was very boring, because we didn't do anything. When the classes finished we went to lunch. The food was cottage pie, later we went to class. In Chemistry Mrs Morris spoke about formation of Earth's atmosphere and Earth's gases. After we had arts we drew our acronyms with several desingns. I didn't finish it because we were speaking with Thomas and Lupe. When the classes finished we went to drink tea and we went to the library to do the diary. Later we did the English test and when we finished it we had a dinner, the food was very good, then we went back to the hotel.
Hoy tuvimos francés, inglés, geografía, historia, química y plástica. No tuvimos francés porque fuimos a clases extra de inglés para estudiar extranjero. Allí la profesora nos dio unas hojas en las que teníamos que escribir veinte frases sobre nosotros y dibujar sobre nuestra casa, isla...Después tuvimos inglés, terminamos el trabajo sobre Julieta después del recreo tuvimos geografia allí estuvimos midiendo un mapa. En historia la profesora habló sobre la constitución fue muy aburrido porque no hicimos nada, cuando la clase terminó fuimos a almorzar, comimos cottage pie y luego volvimos a clase. En química Mrs Morris habló sobre la formación de la atmósfera y los gases de la tiera. Después tuvimos plástica, dibujamos nuestras siglas con varios diseños. No hicimos nada porque estuvimos hablando con Thomas y Lupe cuando la clase terminó fuimos a beber el té y fuimos a la biblioteca para hacer el diario. Más tarde fuimos al examen de inglés y cuando lo terminamos fuimos a cenar, la comida estaba muy buena, después volvimos al hotel.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Wednesday, 14th of March
Today we woke up about eight o'clock and then like every day we went to the school by car . After we came in the kitchen and had breakfast . Then we went take the lessons until break at five past eleven. When the break finished we had two hours of Maths. And after that we went to the dinning and had lunch . We ate some carrots,potatoes, and meat. And then we went to the field behind the school for a race . We ran on the track in the wood. The race was fun and all the people were enjoying themselves . Then we went to the last lessons (Physics) and afterward we went to the English lessons at four o'clock.
I wrote that in the library . And after we went to the dinning and we had dinner and then we celebrated Diana's birthday and we sang her happy birthday and after that we had a piece of cake. It was delicious. And then we went by car to the hotel.
Hoy, nos levantamos sobre las ocho y después como todos los días cojimos el coche para ir al colegio. Después fuimos a la cocina y tomamos el desayuno . Posteriormente nosotros fuimos a dar las lecciones hasta el desayuno de media mañana a las once y cinco . Cuando el desayuno de media mañana acabó nosotros tuvimos dos horas de Matemáticas. Y después de esto nosotros fuimos al comedor y nos tomamos el almuerzo. Comimos varias zanahorias, papas y carne. Y después fuimos al campo detrás del colegio para una carrera. Corrimos en los senderos del bosque. La carrera fue divertida y toda la gente estaba contenta. Después fuimos a la última hora de clase (Física) y después de esto fuimos a la clase de Inglés a las 4:00 p.m. Yo escribí esto en la biblioteca. Más tarde fuimos al comedor y nos tomamos la cena y celebramos el cumpleaños de Diana y le cantamos Feliz Cumpleaños y tomamos un trozo de tarta estaba deliciosa. Luego cojimos el coche para el hotel.
By Texiade
Tuesday, 13th March
Today is Tuesday, only remain five days to go to Gran Canaria. Tatiana and I got up at 7:00 a.m. because I had a shower, after that we went to the living room to play Dance School. I went in the last trip, in to the school for breakfast, the breakfast was very good: eggy bread. Year 9 students went on a field trip to the river near by. They worked on measuring speed of water, width of the flow and size of pebbles in three different locations, in order to distinguish the characteristics of the different parts of the river, ending at the beach. At Spanish lessons we worked in agreement of nouns and adjectives. It was very boring because I already knew this. In maths, the teacher let us do the diary. The English gives in maths were working on quadrilaterals. At break we didn’t play basketball because the ball was deflated. In history we went to the computer room to search for the greenhouse effect. At lunch I only liked chicken and the orange. Today we had English support after tea time. At 6:30 p.m. we dinner: meat and mashed potatoes. In the hotel Tatiana and I did the diary of yesterday and the of today in the computer. At 10:30 p.m. we went to sleep.
Hoy es martes, solo quedan cinco días para irnos a Gran Canaria. Tatiana y yo nos levantamos a las 7:00 a.m. porque nos teníamos que duchar, después fuimos al salón para jugar al Dance School. Yo fui en el penúltimo viaje, en el colegio desayunamos, el desayuno estaba muy bueno: pan con huevo rebozado. Los alumnos de Year 9 (2º de
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
12th March
Today is Monday, we got up at 7:30 a.m. because Pili were me up. We collected the dirty clothes and we brought it to school in the car. We arrived at the school, we had breakfast and at 9:20 a.m. we started the lessons. In the maths lessons we did a division of indices. In the morning break we were very cold. At 11:20 a.m. we continued the lessons until 12.30 p.m. In R.S. we watched a very boring film. We had Games at 2:05 p.m. at 3:45 p.m. In games we played Netball and at 4:00 p.m. we had tea time, after that we continued writing the diary. The teacher checked the yesterday diary. We had dinner at 6:30 p.m., afterwards I played the piano. We arrived to the hotel at 8:00 p.m. When we arrived to the hotel I took a shower, and we went to Natalia´s room iron the hair. I went to the bedroom at 10:30 p.m. and I slept at 11:00 p.m.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday 11 of March, 2007
Me levanté a las 9 más o menos. Visitamos el "Silent World". Es un acuario. En la primera planta están los peces y los anfibios. En la segunda planta están los reptiles. el acuario está cerca de un cemenerio, porque el acuario ¡está en una iglesia! después, visitamos Tenby. Está cerca de una playa. ¡Es muy bonita! Después, fuimos en un centro recreativo. A las siete volvimos al Netherwood School. Comimos ensalada. ¡Estaba muy buena! Luego, volvimos al hotel. tomé un baño, esuve bailando varias canciones con Tatiana y Cristina, y luego, me fui a dormir.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Saturday, 10th
Hoy es sábado y no tuvimos clases. De camino a Pembroke vimos el castillo de Carreen, el primer castillo normando de la batalla de Hastings, después visitamos el castillo de Pembroke y lo recorrimos, es muy grande e interesante. Enrique VII nació ahí en 1455. Subimos a las torres y vimos las maravillosas vistas. Después de media hora fuimos a comer a un parque cerca de allí, comimos sandwiches,zumo o agua,papas fritas y plátanos. Después nos fuimos de compras, compramos algunos souvenir. Estuvimos en una zona de compras alrededor de dos hora. Las tiendas eran muy bonitas y algunas cosas estaban mas baras que en España. Tuvimos un buen día de compras. A las 17:45 volvimos a la guagua y fuimos a cenar al colegio, comimos papas fritas,hamburguesa y salchichas,la mejor comida hasta ahora. Ahora estamos en la sala comun del hotel escribiendo esto para que la gente lo lea, mientras estamos escuchando el partido Barça-Madrid, por el momento van 2-2 al termino de la primera parte. Los chicos de La Minilla estan muy emocionados porque han hecho una porra.
by Pili and Cristina
Friday, March 9, 2007
Friday, 9th
Después de esto tuvimos dos horas de historia y otras dos horas de Español. Luego simpre vamos al comedor para comer y despues cogimos el coche para el hotel. Es agotador pero nosotros aprendemos mucho inglés aquí. Por la noche siempre corremos por los pasillos o compramos chocolatinas, papas y bebidas en una máquina. y en la sala común del hotel nosotros normalmente bailamos con el juego Dance School.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Thursday 8th
Then at half past eight we had meeting with the teachers from Santa María de Guía high school about yesterday's problem.
After that we went by car to school. When we arrived at the school, we had breakfast. After, we went to class. some of the boys from my class were lost beacouse we didn't know the class was.
The first class was English, in this lesson we saw a film about literature, after maths, physics, maths and chemistery.
For lunch we had spaguetti with meat balls, and for dinner, salads, potatoes and ham.
I didn't had special english lessons beacause the teacher was missing so we did homerworks and was speaking even the car drove to came for us. After we went to the hotel.
My favourite moment of the day were:
- The English Lesson.
Hoy, como todos los dias nos levantamos a las 7 de la mañana. Luego, a las 8:30 fuimos a una reunión con los profesores del I.E.S Sª Mª de Guía,sobre los problemas que ocurrieron ayer. Despues subimos al coche y fuimos para el colegio. Cuando llegamos, desayunamos y fuimos a clase. Algunos de los chicos de mi clase nos perdimos porque no sabiamos donde estaba la clase.
La pimera clase que tuvimos fue inglés, ahi vimos una pelicula sobe literatura, después, matemáticas, fisica, matemáticas y química.
Para almorzar tomamos espaguetis con albóndigas, para cenar, tomamos ensalada, papas y pata asada. No tuve clases de apoyo al inglés porque el profesor faltó, asi que nos pusimos a hacer deberes y a hablar hasta que llegó el coche a recogernos. Por último fuimos para el hotel.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Wednesday, 7th
We went to the gym because we had an assembly with the headmaster, afterwards we went to the classes. At 12:30 p.m. we had lunch: lamb, potatoes and coliflower and a piece of cake, after that we continued the lesson.
In the afternoon we played with the English students at the gym to Prision Ball. At 5:00 p.m. we went to the practical english lesson. In the evening, at 6:30 p.m., we had dinner salad with jacked potatoes and cheese, after that we stayed in the school until 8:00 p.m., them we went to the hotel and we played the Dance School. At 10.00 p.m. the teachers said: "Went to the bedroom".
My favourite moments of today were when I played Prision Ball with the English students in the gym and when I went sleep at the bedroom because Pili and I were very excited.
Nos levantamos a las 7:30 a.m porque hacia calor. A las 8:30 a.m nosotros jugamos al "Dance School" en el salon del hotel. Despues llegamos al colegio para desayunar a las 9:30 a.m.
Cuando fuimos al gimnasio porque el director dio una asamblea, luego fuimos a las clases. A las 12:30 p.m nosotros almorzamos: coliflor, papas y una pieza de queque, después continuemos con las clases.
Por la tarde jugamos con los estudiantes ingleses en el gimnasio a "Balon Prisionero". A las 5:00 p.m fuimos a las clases de refuerzo de ingles. Por la noche a las 6:30 p.m, cenamos ensalada con papas asadas y queso, despues esperamos en el colegio asta las 8:00 p.m, entonces fuimos al hotel y jugamos al Dance School. A las 10:00 p.m los profesores dijeron "Vayan a la habitacion".
Mis momentos favoritos del dia fueron: cuando jugamos al Balon Pricionero con los estudiantes ingleses en el gimnasio y cuando subimos a dormir a la habitacion porque Pili y Tatiana estaban muy enrraladas.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Tuesday, 6th
At 6 p.m. we took an English test and afte that we surf on the net. In the evening we watched the football match Liverpool vs Barcelona and played the Dance School.
Saray and Tatiana
Monday 5th
The flight to
The trip to Saundersfoot by bus was near 5 hours, with a stop of 45 minutes to have something to eat. The weather is windy and rainy, but it is normal at this time of the year. We arrived to the the Coppet Hall Hotel at 9. The hotel is a nice and cosy place. It is good because all of our students are staying in the same flat. Then we were taken to the school, were we met the Hugh (the Head of Netherswood) and had a small dinner. Back to the hotel, unpack our luggage and go to sleep by 11 o’clock. It was a 18 hour trip and we are all tired, but very excited at the same time to see how our day will be tomorrow!
We will keep you posted!
Jose Miguel
Seguiremos informando,
Jose Miguel.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Some reminders
Only 24 hours before we leave!!! Are you excited? I am. And this is a good moment to remind you some important details.
- The bus leaves at 4:30 o´clock. Please don't be late. The plane will not wait for us.
- Remember to use your green bag
- No more than 20 kilos in your luggage.
- Bring something solid to eat in the plane: biscuits, sandwiches, Tirma chocolates.... bue remember: no liquids allowed!
- Don't forget your DNI
- Bring the raincoat with you. It might be very raining when we arrive. You can check the weather in Wales here

Monday is going to be a long day, so... try to have a good night of rest on Sunday.
Good luck to all!!
Jose Miguel.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
First Entry

We will do our best to keep you informed. Stay tuned to Guia Bilingual!