Friday, February 27, 2009


Fama is a TV program on four channel very interesting, a lot of people watch this program every days because it's very active. It consist in a group of girls and boys dancing, but they dance very good... every days many people talks about the program of the last day. In this school people dance streetdance, liric and funky.Girls and boys form couples, they rehearse a choreography and they exhibit it for the teachers, on Wednesday teachers choose the best. Every weeks two persons left the dance school, because six teachers ( dancers of course) choose the worst of all and then people who watch this program send a sms to save his favourite. In the class a lot of people watch this program and they like it because music and dance are very important.


Eli said...

I hope you enjoy it, because it's a modern topic.. jeje besides I like it very much

Eli said...

Oh they are fantastics...:D

Pedro Mendoza said...

post more Fama corography it is great

Anonymous said...

Goos post Ely I like it.

Jeremy said...

it's amazing eli

ariadna said...

I like it very very very much jaja...I think that all the guys with our age like Fama very much too.
See you!!

jessi! said...

Ely I like it very much.

The program is very funny and interesting!

Do you usually watch it?

See you soon!

Eli said...

yess jessi :) I watch it every days