Monday, February 9, 2009

How many transistors on a CPU?

As mentioned today in class:

The current AMD dual-core Athlon Processor has 154-233 Million transistor. An Intel Pentium D has 230 million transistors.

In the early 90's the pentium III had 100,000 - 10 million transistors.

In the early 80's the Intel 8086 had 5000-100,000 transistors.

And this is how the interior of a CPU looks like:

Impressive, isn't it?


Eli said...

Waw it's a very difficult work to built it

Kevin said...

there is a fantastic evolution of the technology advances

Nora said...

is this the inside of a CPU? Oh my god! So soon we are going to married with robots !

Nora said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eli said...

-.-'' I don't understand you Nora

Jose Miguel said...


Yanira Hernández. said...

tecaher! a good post i like it very much ! it's difficult..ely said the same..!

Eli said...

We can't married with robots beacause they haven't got feelings, or not?¿

jessi! said...

You have reason teacher!

It´s impressive!