Friday, May 8, 2009

Ale's post

Hi friends and teachers!
I am going to talk about the last week.

On Monday 27 we took a Geography test at 12:00 pm a lot of people passed this exam . In Religion, we watched a film IT IS THE BEST FILM. This film explains to us the society in 1957 in USA.

On Tuesday it was an ordinary day because there wasn´t any exam etc... At 1st lesson was P.E. , 2nd English,3rd Spanish,4th Physics&Chemistry,5th
Maths, 6thTechnology (we continue showing the web page).Kevin and I S. showed our web page `` History of Internet´´.

On Wednesday we had a Maths´ test ,in my class only three people passed this exam, Carla , Ithaisa and Ariadna .CONGRATULATIONS !!!!. But I didn`t pass this exam L.

On Thursday, it was an ordinary day too. But the students were very happy because there was small holiday but the teachers ordered homework. But the homework wasn´t a problem to enjoy our small holiday.


Kevin said...

very good post Ale.

Jose Miguel said...

Really good, Alejandro. One of the best posts so far. Congratualtions, you did a good work

And your presentation about "History of the Internet" was very good too!!

Borjiita!!! said...

Good Post Ale! But I think that there is a mistake(in the 11th row, he wrote Kevin and IS. instead of Kevin and me)
It's good post Ale, apart of the mistake.

Náyade said...

I like it your post. VERY GOOD ALE !!

Eli said...

Good work Ale I like it very much :D

ariadna said...

Congratulations Ale!! I think that you do a really good work, I like it so much(L)..
See you guys!!(K)

*SaRita* said...

Good post alee!!!I like it very much good use of english !!