Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hello classmates and teachers.I´m going to speak about this week:

On Monday in the second hour we could see the exhibition of some works to finish the exhibition of the works. Some of my favorite works was that of Nora and Yanira because it had a lot of information and it was of the contraceptive methods. After the break we had Technology in the computers. In the computers we were using the cocodrile, is a program to do electrical circuits. At the last hour we had Religion and we saw a movie, Camino.

On Tuesday in the first hour, we had physical education. In physical education this quarter we are going to give volleyball. In the second hour there was English and we had not unfolded because, we are doing the presentations of the Story of my life yet. We haven´t finished the presentations. After the break we had physics and chemistry. In physics and chemistry we had a test and I believe that I am going to have good mark. At the last hour we had Technology in the workshop and we were giving problems on magnitudes and Jose Miguel said that we should take a box to keep the material of the work of the car.

On Wednesday in the first hour we had biology and we were revising because we have a text the next week. At third hour we had English and some pupils had to do the presentation of the work as Carla and Ariadna. In the break we had to play football. My team is Kevin, Borja, Saúl, Octavio, Jesus, Jeremi, Ale and me. We lost but I scored a goal. At the last hour we had French and French is one of the classes that I like because I had to go out to do a dialog with Yanira.

On Thursday we were, all the people of the Barça team, very satisfied because it had wan the Champions. In the first hour we had religion and we continued seeing the movie, Camino. In physics and chemistry we were waiting the marks but finally she didn´t give them. In the break we were speaking of the final of the Champions. In fifth hour there was Language and I liked because we were in the classroom 215. At the last hour we had English and we couldn´t do the presentations because the computer didn´t have Windows program.

Finally on Friday we didn´t do anything especial thing. I like tutorial because Jose Miguel gave to us a test that it was a tramp and we fell down in the tramp. Also I like because we did an activity that it was about auto esteem and we pass a paper to ourselves with the name of each one in order that the others were writing good commentaries of all.


Eli said...

Very good Pedro ;) you write all the information of the week

pedriitOo said...

thank you ely!

Kevin said...
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Kevin said...

Very good Pedro, but Manchester had to win the match. :)

Eli said...

NO, Barça is the best and it has a thirthy LOL so ''ajo y agua''

sHeiLis ^^ . said...

Pedrooo very good work and VISCA BARÇAAA hahaha xXx ! and the information of the week was very good.

Borjiita!!! said...

Good post Pedro! It has all the information of the week. FC Barcelona won the match, but next year Real Madrid will win the three cups! Lol Lol

Jeremy said...

Very goos Pedro, but the Madrid is the best xD