Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Saúl & Borja's Post

On Monday, Carolina (Biology teacher) gave us the mark of the exam. And then didn’t pass anything important.

On Tuesday, we had the book’s exam. It was some difficult because we didn’t finish the book and the phonetic translation was very difficult. We haven’t had that kind of exam.

On Wednesday, we had two exams, the Spanish exam and the French exam. They weren’t difficult. The biology teacher gave us the exam to see the mistakes. Pedro was penalized by the geography teacher.

On Thursday, we had the Geography exam, about the state and its organization.

On Friday, we had the math exam; we gave in the English teacher our glossaries. In P.E. we played football, volleyball, basketball… In technology, we were finishing the cucabot.


Borjiita!!! said...

I hope you like it

Eli said...

Very good guys, I like it very much

ariadna said...

Ohh!!It's reallly good.. Congratulations!!
I love you guys jeje(LLL)
