Monday, June 8, 2009

The last moments!

This week is one of the last of the year, so it has been more stressing and shorter. Every week happens hardly ever the same, so we´re going to tell you the most outstanding:

On Monday, at Biology we learnt the correct use of the contraception methods and we could see them too. At Geography, we had a test: it was easy!. At Religion, we finished to watch the film “Camino”, it was very tragic.

On Tuesday in the first period we had physical education. We played
volleyball and there was a problem because a ball went to another
field and teacher got angry with some guys. We couldn’t see some
exhibition of English work because the computer to broke out. Then in
the last period we had a yearbook photo and finally we had in the last
hour technology and we started to make our cars that is our last
project in this year.

On Wednesday, at Biology we made a test about the reproduction. At French, we listened the Kate Ryan´s song and we had to complete the empty spaces. It was very funny and we song too!

On Thursday, at Religion we passed a questionnaire about the functioning of the school. At Fisique and Chemistry, we made a test about the periodic chart. At English, Almudena presented his story of his life: it was really good, she was very nice!

On Friday, at English Raquel and Octavio presented his web page project: it was very good! At P.E., we were running all the time. It was very hot and we were very tired. After that, Nora had to go away in the ambulance due to the weariness, but don´t worry: now she´s much better! At Technology, the majority continued working with the car´s project and some of us were very worried and we decided not to do anything: it was a badly day!

BY: Sheila and Jéssica.


Pablo said...

A very good work ¡¡¡

Eli said...

Very good girls I like it, because you explaned us all the things that we did, :)

feli said...

Excellent team work.

Jose Miguel said...

Excellent work, and very enjoyable. Thumbs up for you two!

Almu!! said...

Really good girls, I like a lot. Congratulations!!

Jeremy said...

Very good girls I like it much, you form a good team

sHeiLis ^^ . said...

Thank you for yours comments !
I'm happy that you like our work.

Kevin. said...

Very good Work Girls !!!

ariadna said...

Wauuu girls!! So good..I like it very much(LL)!!