Wednesday, December 10, 2008

JUST FOR FUN: A tonguetwister

Tres brujas miran tres relojes Swatch. ¿Que bruja mira que reloj Swatch ?
Three witches watch three Swatch watches. Which witch watch which Swatch watch ?
Tres brujas travestis miran los botones de tres relojes Swatch. ¿Que bruja travesti mira los botones de que reloj Swatch?
Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watch which Swatch watch switch ?
Tres brujas suecas travestis miran los botones de tres relojes Swatch suizos. ¿Que bruja sueca travesti mira que boton de cual reloj Swatch suizo?
Three Swedish switched witches watch three Swiss Swatch watch switches. Which Swedish switched witch watch which Swiss Swatch watch switch ?

Do you think you can pronounce them?


feli said...

I didn't check the spelling of the Spanish translation, so I'm afraid that some "tildes" are missing


Eli said...

Don't problem, jeje I don't pronounce it jeje it is very very difficult, can Matt pronounce it?¿

pedriitOo said...


Itha* said...

teacher it is very very very difficult i don't pronounce it LOL

Pablo said...

this is impossible miss i try this three times and i can't...

Kevin said...
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Kevin said...

miss, this is imposible,but I think that Matt read very good this.

Eli said...

jaja, :P, ...

ariadna said...

=) I think the same as Kevin, Matt pronunce it very well jaja, but miss is very very very complicated. I try to read it a lot of time but I can´t...

Anonymous said...

Teacher, I don't understand...

Anonymous said...

I tried it . But it isn't easy. LOL It's very funny, miss .

Jeremy said...

it's very funny and i think the same that Ely Can matt proniunce this?LoL

jessi! said...

hi miss:
it´s very nice and i can´t pronounce it.Can you do it?

see you tomorrow!