Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Mery christmas people and happy end of quarter Jeremi

Hi people, I think that we worked much in this quarter and we musted receive a ``Congratulation´´, mery christmas to all girls, boys, and teachers of course, and Jeremi happy end of quarter jeje.


Eli said...

I forget add Jose miguel, sorry teacher...

Unknown said...

I like that very much. I love you =D (L)

Jose Miguel said...

This is lovely! Thanks very much for your work, Ely. It is a really cool idea!! You all look very good. And I love Daneira's sunglases!

And don't worry. Next time, I'll try to be in the picture

Have a happy holidays!!

Itha* said...

Ely, Ilike that very much, congratulation.

Merry Xmas and happy new year

ariadna said...

Hii people!! Ely I love your works are really good and gallants jaja...
And teacher don´t forget the party of the year that comes ehh!!
People Merry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!(K)

, daneÍÍra =)! said...

I love this picture! Merry Christmas people ( L )

Eli said...

I add the teacher,I found this photo in the elction of delegates... Merry christmas ;)

Jose Miguel said...

Thanks for the picture, Ely! I don't know if I am supposed to be on the top, but thank you anyway :)

Enjoy your holidays

Pablo said...

Sorry i don't comment because i travel but is very beatiful eli. Thank you

Pedro Mendoza said...

please explain what is end of quarter

Eli said...

-.-', Jeremi don't celebrate xmas, pedro, -.-''

martíís ^^, said...

i like tihs photo very very mch !
thanks elyy it's very beautiful photo !
happy new year XxX !

Nora said...

MERRY XMAS to everybody... a beautiful photo ely! I LIKE IT! see youu!!

Anonymous said...

teacher can yo put the draw of the new sits of the class

Jeremy said...

you are crazy eli