Friday, December 5, 2008

Short week

Hi guys!
Last week was very short because we only have four dyas of class.
On Monday not happen nothing special.
On Tuesday who have Lenguage with Mila take a grammar exam, also the fifteen on the register do a oral intoduction with Feli about junk food and all the class have an exam with Pepa.
On Wednesday at the first period we do some activities with Carolina and Matt about the cons of the cigarette, on fift period we do a recuperation exam with Nacho .
On Thursday we have three free hours because Tere(Fisic and Chemestry) and Inma(Clasic Culture) didn´t come an Javier(Religion) leave the high school at half past eight.


Eli said...

Very good pedro, there is short and it have alot of information, congratulations

Anonymous said...

thank you^^

Anonymous said...

the anonymous are I i forget put my name

Jeremy said...

very good Pedro it's a very good post

Anonymous said...

Thank you jeremi

Jose Miguel said...

Good work Pedro

It would be a god idea to include some pictures!

See you

alejandro said...

hi pedro you're a good studiant, jijiji Xd but you need do your homework. LoL LoL

feli said...

Dear Pedrooo!
You forgot to show me your text before posting it. I could have helped you with the English

Pablo said...

This is short and with a lot of information I think that you can speak with other classes (flexibles)because I've an exam the thursday and yuo don't write this

Anonymous said...

Very good pedro, I understand all the text.

Náyade Peña 4ºA said...

your post is short, but you did a good work. Very Good!

raquel said...

is very good work because is very short but have all the information of the week

Itha* said...

Hi pedro, your post is short, but you have a good work congratulation!!!

Kevin said...

Hi Pedro, this is a good work, but your post is short. Very Good!!

jessi! said...

Very good post, Pedro!

it´s short but it´s complete; but there isn´t a photo.

Good Work!