Saturday, March 21, 2009

Happy birhday Jose Miguel

Happy birhday Jose Miguel, because all student think that you are very friendly, we want give you a congratulation


Eli said...

Happy birhtday!!

Jose Miguel said...

Thank you very much, guys. I really appreciate it and I have to say that you are an excellent group, although sometimes you are a little bit too noisy ;)

Thanks for your greetings. I'll see you tomorrow

Yanira Hernández. said...

oh teacher was your birthday ! CONGRULATIONS ! i don't know it ! i think you're a good teacher THE BEST ! teacher haaad presents !

jessi! said...

Oh, sorry!

I don´t remembered it. But it´s better now than never!

Happy birthday!

ariadna said...

Ohh sorry me too. I think that you are the best and you the same about us ok??
I like so much that you said in your comment of your birthday..almost I cry!!
Thank you for all!!!!We love you!!
See you.