Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jesús' post

This week went by very fast for my, and I don’t understand why! We did some things in all of the subjects. In Technology we opened a computer to see it inside and the I.E.S. changed old computer to news computer from the technology room. In English we took an exam and we had a little argument because Feli was missing and the first group had class with Sergio and the second group., too. The Geography teacher told uss to do a map for the exam’s day. In the Arts class with Laly, we painted a DIN A3 sheet with colour paints. And with Mila, the lenguaje teacher, I had a big problem because I took next days' exam for studying it at home and I gave it to my classmates to do photocopies.

That is that I can write for this week!


Jose Miguel said...

Mmm.... Jesús

I think you can do it much better than this


Eli said...

Jesus, the first group won the argument because we hadn't got class with Sergio, and you lost add that in Art with Laly, someone taint paint me, so I am very angry, ¬¬

Yanira Hernández. said...

jesus ! i have the same comment of ely ... ! we hadn't got clases with sergio ¬¬ ! but the post is so much good =)

jessi! said...

Hi Jesús!

The post is OK, but I think that you can explain it more, but it´s good!

ariadna said...

Hi Jesusitoo :D!!
I like your post but it's little you can do it much better but it's ok..
See you!!

Pedro Mendoza said...

ver shor:|