Sunday, March 29, 2009

This Week!!

On Monday the teachers gave us the notes of Biology,Maths and science test.

The next day in tutory we did the ''tribunal de convivencia'' because we didn't have the drug lecture.

On Wednesday half of the class went to the laboratory to cut a kidney and saw it and the rest of the class stayed with Matt and did a game.Besides we took the physical education and physic and chemistry test.

On Thursday Chary gaves us the marks and Tere gave us the marks of the test.

On Friday we took the other test of physical education . This day we finished the exams!!


Yanira Hernández. said...

oh sara i like your post so much ! and the photo LOL LOL ! very good =D

Borjiita!!! said...

Good post, but I don´t see the photo very well

Eli said...

good post sara I like it very much :)

jessi! said...

Hi Sara!

Very good work, the information is simple and correct. The structure is good too, I like it very much.

See you tomorrow!

feli said...

Nice post. At least someone who posts in time. Thank you Sara

Almu!! said...

Hi Sara!! i like your post a lot. good work, congratulations.

Unknown said...

Ohh we finished our exams!!! GOOD =D

Jose Miguel said...

Very good, Sarita. And right on time!

So many exams!

ariadna said...

Ohh well, well XD it's goood Sariita and we are on holidays now wauu jeje. You also have a good post, congratulations!!!
See you..