Saturday, December 15, 2007

A Cool Tool

Here is a really cool tool for graphic designers:

This paint brush (brocha in Spanish) has a some sensors and a digital camera, so it can copy colors from reality and use them to create a composition. Just have a look to this video to see how it works:

It is incredible what digital technology can do!

More info clicking here


Adm said...

I like this video, I want (uno de esos) for me :):):):)

Anonymous said...

Hey Teacher!!
The video is very funny and strange... LOL... I like it very much. But how do she do it with the camera in the bruch?? It is really strange... I hope do it in technology class... Can you try do it in a technology class??
Bye bye...

Anonymous said...

jajjaj! Yes, It is really strange video!:-o
I like it!
Bye! Mónica

Jose Miguel said...

Hello guys

I know it is kind of strange. The brush has a digital camera in the front side, so it "picks" the colors from the objects.

Then it uses an electronic device called LEDs to transfer the color to the white screen.

I am afraid we don't have the time and the materials to do one of these in the technology class! :-S

If you like it very much, you know you can order one to the Three Wise Men ;-)