Friday, October 31, 2008

Christmas assignments

Hello people.

These are the name of you assignments for this term. Remember to send me the names of the members of your group, and your preference (Biology, Technology or English)

As usual, you can do it using your Gmail accounts

Have a nice weekend!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The other date for science exam

Hi!!people I public this post for said you this notice:
"The science exam has been changed for next Monday, the 3rd of November".
Sorry i have a mistake put this date in your notes.
See you tomorrow!!:D :D

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The last week!

Hi people! I wish you like my post.
The last week was very good because we did a lot of things like outings, games...
On Monday we learned about the food with Carolina in Biology, then we practised our English pronunciation wiht Matt.
In Technology we practised about the graphics with Jose Miguel in the computers in pairs. And we sented him an e-mail with our graphics.
On Tuesday we run in P.E, it was very horrible because we were late to the next lesson ´´English´´. There, we read a book with Sergio and he said some homeworks for us.
On Wednesday we talked a lot in French with Victor. It was very enjoyable because we played a lot of games. Yanira was the first winner and Saúl the second winner, Jose Carlos tried to win but he couldn´t.
On Thursday we had an outing with our language teachers, and the other yers. We went to ´´El Teatro Cuyás´´ in Las Palmas. It was very very funny because we saw a comic play called ´´La Boda de los Pequeños Burgueses´´. I liked it very much.
On Friday we elected a representer of our class. Sheila, Kevin R., Elisabeth, Pedro M., and me, we were the people who wanted to be representers but only one couldn be the representer and it was me.
I´m very happy that my class trust me because this is that I´m a good person from my class isn´t it? Thank you guys!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Slow Motion Light Bulb

Do you remember how AC current works?

Last Tuesday in the Technology lesson we experienced how hard the life of the electron is.

I think it was Iliane who asked about light bulbs. In this video you can see how a light bulb works in slow motion. Notice how the light intensity changes as the electrons move in one direction, then stop and move in the other.

Do you believe me now? :-)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Schools wars

In all the schools there is a problem: ``the violence´´.
The violence is in differents grades:
Insults: The people always is a nuissance to other people because they enjoy with it.

Hits: When the situation is difficult the people tend to throb and they damage other persons, though perhaps only do it a joke but it bothers and hurts.

When you wish to make any joke first if you think that you would like to do to you, because leave mark.

What is to be a pupil of the bilingual group for me?

What is to be a pupil of the bilingual group for me?
This is a opportunity that they have give me and is a sample of that all what I have done have served me for something and I want to said thank you to all my teachers and all my partners because though initially join was difficult, now I´m very happy and perhaps this had be my best year.
Thank you to all the people that have obtained that I´m very happy.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One month after..

Soon it will be a month since the classes started and already we have new tests.

On Monday, I liked very much the class of Classical Culture with my other colleagues because we are flexible in groups.

On Tuesday, we were running at P.E for fifteen finutes and then we went to have shower but we could not because there wasn't any water. It was horrible!

On Wednesday it was fun because in our Biology lesson with Carolina we playes bingo in English, Matt, is a native who came to help with English, he read definitions and we tried to guess, in the end Borja won.
At the third period English class was also had fun that day was the birthday of our teacher of English. Happy birthday Feli! The five first people on the list went to Matt to a class and presented. It was interesting.

On Thursday in the class of Physics and Chemistry we were given the scientific notation. It's difficult bu we were practis and in the end we managed to understand it.

On Friday, in the class of tutorial we were speaking about our teachers and our lessons with them.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Talking about proportions in the class, it came to our attention that there is a big percentage of left-handed people in the class!!
  • 7 left handed
  • 23 right handed

This is more than usual, isn't it?

Friday, October 10, 2008

carla, marta and daneria

In P.E there wasn't any water

with Mat !!

this is a young from England that go with our at english class

Carla, Sheila, Marta, Mat and Daneira.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I want to tell something very important, the poverty.
What is it?
Poverty (also called penury) is deprivation of common necessities that determine the quality of life, including food, clothing, shelter and safe drinking water, and may also include the deprivation of opportunities to learn, to obtain better employment to escape poverty, and/or to enjoy the respect of fellow citizens.
The one who is the causer?
Many different factors have been cited to explain why poverty occurs. However, no single explanation has gained universal acceptance.
Possible factors include:
Environmental Factors
Erosion. Intensive farming often leads to a vicious cycle of exhaustion of soil fertility and decline of agricultural yields and hence, increased poverty.
Desertification and overgrazing. Approximately 40% of the world's agricultural land is seriously degraded. In Africa, if current trends of soil degradation continue, the continent might be able to feed just 25% of its population by 2025, according to UNU's Ghana-based Institute for Natural Resources in Africa.
Deforestation as exemplified by the widespread rural poverty in China that began in the early 20th century and is attributed to non-sustainable tree harvesting.
Natural factors such as
climate change or environment
Geographic factors, for example access to fertile land, fresh water, minerals, energy, and other natural resources, presence or absence of natural features helping or limiting communication, such as mountains, deserts, navigable rivers, or coastline. Historically, geography has prevented or slowed the spread of new technology to areas such as the Americas and Sub-Saharan Africa. The climate also limits what crops and farm animals may be used on similarly fertile lands.
On the other hand, research on the
resource curse has found that countries with an abundance of natural resources creating quick wealth from exports tend to have less long-term prosperity than countries with less of these natural resources.
Drought and water crisis.
Unemployment. Some countries' governments are believed to purposefully maintain a 2-10% unemployed populace to act as a 'replacement threat' to unskilled private sector workers, by way of maintaining an existing thriving service economy.
As of late 2007, increased farming for use in
biofuels, along with world oil prices at nearly $130 a barrel, has pushed up the price of grain. Food riots have recently taken place in many countries across the world.
Capital flight by which the wealthy in a society shift their assets to off-shore tax havens deprives nations of revenue needed to break the vicious cycle of poverty.
Weakly entrenched formal systems of title to private property are seen by writers such as Hernando de Soto as a limit to economic growth and therefore a cause of poverty.
Communists see the institution of property rights itself as a cause of poverty.
Unfair terms of trade, in particular, the very high
subsidies to and protective tariffs for agriculture in the developed world. This drains the taxed money and increases the prices for the consumers in developed world; decreases competition and efficiency; prevents exports by more competitive agricultural and other sectors in the developed world due to retaliatory trade barriers; and undermines the very type of industry in which the developing countries do have comparative advantages.
Tax havens which tax their own citizens and companies but not those from other nations and refuse to disclose information necessary for foreign taxation. This enables large scale political corruption, tax evasion, and organized crime in the foreign nations.
Unequal distribution of land.
Land reform is one solution.
Poor access to affordable health care makes individuals less resilient to economic hardship and more vulnerable to poverty.
Inadequate nutrition in childhood, itself an effect of poverty, undermines the ability of individuals to develop their full human capabilities and thus makes them more vulnerable to poverty. Lack of essential minerals such as
iodine and iron can impair brain development. It is estimated that 2 billion people (one-third of the total global population) are affected by iodine deficiency, including 285 million 6- to 12-year-old children. In developing countries, it is estimated that 40% of children aged 4 and under suffer from anemia because of insufficient iron in their diets. See also Health and intelligence.
Disease, specifically diseases of poverty: AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis and others overwhelmingly afflict developing nations, which perpetuate poverty by diverting individual, community, and national health and economic resources from investment and productivity. Further, many tropical nations are affected by parasites like malaria, schistosomiasis, and trypanosomiasis that are not present in temperate climates. The Tsetse fly makes it very difficult to use many animals in agriculture in afflicted regions.
Clinical depression undermines the resilience of individuals and when not properly treated makes them vulnerable to poverty.
substance abuse, including for example alcoholism and drug abuse when not properly treated undermines resilience and can consign people to vicious poverty cycles.
democracy in poor countries: "The records when we look at social dimensions of development—access to drinking water, girls' literacy, health care—are even more starkly divergent. For example, in terms of life expectancy, rich democracies typically enjoy life expectancies that are nine years longer than poor autocracies. Opportunities of finishing secondary school are 40 percent higher. Infant mortality rates are 25 percent lower. Agricultural yields are about 25 percent higher, on average, in poor democracies than in poor autocracies—an important fact, given that 70 percent of the population in poor countries is often rural-based.""poor democracies don't spend any more on their health and education sectors as a percentage of GDP than do poor autocracies, nor do they get higher levels of foreign assistance. They don't run up higher levels of budget deficits. They simply manage the resources that they have more effectively."
The governance effectiveness of governments has a major impact on the delivery of socioeconomic outcomes for poor populations
rule of law can discourage investment and thus perpetuate poverty.
Poor management of resource revenues can mean that rather than lifting countries out of poverty, revenues from such activities as oil production or gold mining actually leads to a
resource curse.
Failure by governments to provide essential
infrastructure worsens poverty.
Poor access to affordable
education traps individuals and countries in cycles of poverty.
High levels of
corruption undermine efforts to make a sustainable impact on poverty. In Nigeria, for example, more than $400 billion was stolen from the treasury by Nigeria's leaders between 1960 and 1999.
Demographics and Social Factors
Overpopulation and lack of access to birth control methods. Note that population growth slows or even become negative as poverty is reduced due to the demographic transition.
Crime, both white-collar crime and blue-collar crime, including violent gangs and drug cartels.
Historical factors, for example imperialism, colonialism Post-Communism (at least 50 million children in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union live in poverty).
Brain drain
Matthew effect: the phenomenon, widely observed across advanced welfare states, that the middle classes tend to be the main beneficiaries of social benefits and services, even if these are primarily targeted at the poor.
Cultural causes, which attribute poverty to common patterns of life, learned or shared within a
community. For example, Max Weber argued that the Protestant work ethic contributed to economic growth during the industrial revolution.
War, including civil war, genocide, and democide.
Discrimination of various kinds, such as
age discrimination, stereotyping, gender discrimination, racial discrimination, caste discrimination.
Individual beliefs, actions and choices.
What should we do?
We should help, but why?
I´m sad because I see this picture, it´s very sad but what we should us ask is:
What would it make I in his situation?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do you know differents places in London? Travel to London...!

Smithfield market.

Kew garden.

Cemetery Highgate.

Some people going to go to London and visiting always the same places(big-band, a red bus, Candem Market...) But people never think the other places to visited in London and today in this information I said differents places for you visit in London, this places are importants and very interestings but the people never go to this fabulous thinks...look the pictures and read the information...!=)
-The cementery of Highgate.
-The liberty.
-Kew Gardens
-The temple
-If you know what live a famous persons, you will go to the
-Execution dock(capitán Kidd)
-Smithfield Market
-Charles Chaplin was born in 1889 in Kennington
-pub De Hems de Macclesfield st.

I think the people don't know this importants and interesting places.

Monday, October 6, 2008

With Oxford universitys you can study in Internet

Hi! Oxford is the most interesting university in England and i find in Internet if you put the page you will take a very good courses fot your english.

Online and distance learning at Oxford University offers a new way of combining innovative learning and teaching techniques with interaction with your tutor and fellow students from around the world. By enrolling on one of our online courses you will enjoy the convenience of studying from anywhere and at any time over the Internet.
For more information on available courses, how to apply, resources and an online short course demonstration, visit Online Learning on the Department for Continuing Education website.

I take this parragraf for the Oxford's page and it said more information for the courses...
Go to the page people!

A good week

On Tuesday, we did sit-ups and long jumps in P.E., we finished tired but it was fun, next we had a shower.

On Wednesday, came an English assistant, he’s Matt, he is from Britain he’s tall and shy because he doesn't talk much with us and he mean English very good. He study in the University of Liverpool.

On Thursday, when we had a break we went to Technology's class to talk to Matt. He answered the questions in English and some one in Spanish.

On Friday, was very fun because we put he rucksack on the floor and we sat on them.

In P.E. we did sprint and next we had a shower because it was hot.

The week has passed good. We don’t have test but we have a lot of homework.

By: Ithaisa del Pilar Bolaños Montero 3ºB

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The deepest hole in the world


As we commented in the class, the deepest and largest hole in the world made by man is located in Russia. Its name is the Kola well. The deep of the hole is of 15 km.

In this link you can find a lot of spectacular pictures of the hole

See you!