Sunday, November 30, 2008

English week!!!

Hello, I am going to tell you something about this week, the thinks that we did in this week.
On Monday, at the break we studied to the Technology test.
Then we did the only test of the year in Technology, it was easy and I think that we did it good.
On Tuesday in Physical education, Pepa was late and she gave us a ball to play football and tennis.
Then in English, we studied the phonetic of the words with Sergio.
In Technology’s class, we studied a new topic with Matt,`` the world of plastics ´´, it was easy because Matt helped us with the words that we didn’t understand.
On Wednesday, Matt had one hour more sleep, because, we review to the Monday’s test in Biology, and we didn’t need him.
Then we played a comparative game in English class, with Matt, Feli gave us a piece of paper with two names and an adjective, and we must comparate a person with other person of the class.
In the break a dog entered in the high school, it was a little dog and it was very funny.
In French class, we studied the genealogical tree and I said all the words, jeje.
On Thursday, we hadn’t Physic and Chemistry, and Geography, because
the teachers were missing.
And we do a grammatical test in Language class, it was very easy.
On Friday in English, we did a game, Feli gave us a paper with thirty adjectives, and Feli gave us thirty pieces of paper with the name of all person of the class; we musted allot a adjective to a person of the class.
Then in Tutor, we talked with Susi about feelings.
This week wasn’t very busy because we hadn’t much tests.


Jeremy said...

very good I think that this is your best post

Eli said...

Thanks, I think the same, but do you like the photos?

Itha* said...

very good work eli. LOL LOL i like the photos

Laura said...

hi Elizabeth! Your post it really good =) you did a fantastic word * CONGRATULATIONS ^^

FLE said...

Hello Elizabeth and everybody!

I'm Víctor, your teacher. I'm surprised at how good your all are at English and I wish someday you'll be writting French as fluently as you do in English. We are coming there.
It's quite a long time I don't write in English so I apologize for my faults.
Keep on working this way!
Elizabeth, thanks for telling me about the photo posted in here.
See you on wednesday... quieter, I hope ;-)


*SaRita* said...

Very good work Elii

Náyade Peña 4ºA said...

hi eLii=D! your post is very good,I like the photos congratulations!

raquel said...

hi ely is a very good work. I like the picture LOL

Eli said...

jaja thanks :D

alejandro said...

hi Elizabeth your work is very good because your information is complet etc.. CONGRATULATIONS .

jessi! said...

hi Ely:

it´s a good post and the photos are fantastic! lol

bye, bye

Eli said...

I like the photos too xD