Thursday, November 27, 2008

Last , last week! =/

Hi classmates!
Well, I am going to tell something about last week.
On Monday, we had a relaxed day because we didn’t have any exams and we hadn’t got much homework.
On Tuesday, the teacher of Physics and Chemistry gave us the marks of the exam that we did on Thursday of the last week. Some marks were good and other marks not really good.
On Wednesday, people who’s got Spanish with Sonia did an exam of “léxico” (vocabulary).
On Thursday, on the break, most students of the high school were on strike and we missed the last three periods.
On the last day, Friday, we hadn’t got class because it was San Diego’s day (there is a tradition in The Canary Islands to not to attend class on that day).


Yanira Hernández. said...

Daneiraa you have a godd work i like this very much is Fantastic!
Good work

, daneÍÍra =)! said...

LOL LOL! It costs =/ but in the end I can!

Jose Miguel said...

Finally you could do it Daneira :)

And a good work too!

Itha* said...

dane you have a good work i like, in the end you can LOL LOL

Eli said...

Very good Daneira, i like it very much ;)

Náyade Peña 4ºA said...

daneira, your post is fantastic.
I love it. Congratulations!

raquel said...

is short but have many information. Con gratulation daneira!

raquel said...

is short but have many information. Con gratulation daneira!

alejandro said...

very good daneria i don´t see any mistakes. lol lol