Monday, November 3, 2008

two weeks ago

Last week, Jose Miguel told us to do an activity about the different types of energy. He also made us an exam and we didn't expect it.

Pedro Alberto and Jeremi had dispute in the corridors. The teacher of language marked an examination for two weeks.

Peter, Peter and I spent the work of technology to power point. This is what we more or less passed last week.


Jeremy said...

very good Octavio but Why do you write about the dispute? It´s a joke.

Eli said...

Quite good Octavio, but the teacher tell as that it wasn't an exam
See you soon

Náyade Peña 4ºA said...

It is good, but is a few small.

feli said...

you forgot to show me your post before publishing!

ariadna said...

It´s good Octaa but is a small post =D.

sUs =) said...

eY OctavIo.. you like the fights so much ee!! =D..I's Ok but it's very small.

jessi! said...

hi octa:
The post is not bad, but i think that tou should do it more long.
It´s ok!