Friday, November 14, 2008

A Nice Week

Hi people !
Let’s remeber something about this week.
On Monday, people who’s got Classical Culture didn’t go on the first period. In the next period we had a Biology exam buy our marks were good. In Technology , my group and me had to present our project about Solar Thermal Energy .
Tuesday was an ordinanry day , though English lesson was funny because Feli played some English songs.
In Biology , on Wednesday , we played a game in pairs it was about the digestive system. And in Spanish we started with Literature.
On Thursday we had our first Physics and Chemistry exam, we were scared. On the fourth period, Inma, the Classical Culture teacher gave us the marks of our exams.
On the last day, Friday, we had two exams. They were of Spanish and Maths.


Unknown said...
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Yanira Hernández. said...

iliiaaneee a good work i like this very much congratulations!

Jeremy said...

very good iliane it´s a very good post.

Eli said...
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Eli said...

Hi Iliane I like your post, very good english and very good post, congratulations :)

Náyade Peña 4ºA said...

congratulations for your post ilianee, it's a very good work ^^

Almu!! said...

Hi iliane! I like your post,very good. Congratulation!

Kevin. said...

Hello Iliane!!! I like your post ,good work, congratulations!!=)

ariadna said...

Hi Iliii! I like your post very much...congratulation!!
