Friday, November 21, 2008

Interesant week!!

On Monday we had the first exam of Geography, it was so good, and on Tuesday we did a circuit in P.E.

On Wednesday, in Biology’s class we did a good activity in pairs, with Matt. The activity consists of: We made a menu, because we are learning the food and nutrients, and the menu (of course) in English, the activity was fantastic.

Then at nine o’clock we went to the Cuyàs theatre in Las Palmas to see, ‘’El Perro del Hortelano’’, and we could meet Lyli Quintana (Chona in Clave de Já) It was fantastic, and marvelous, the people asked Lyli and take some autographs, we could take some photos.

On Friday we had French’s exam.


Jose Miguel said...

Very good work Yanira!

Eli said...

Very good Yanira ang very good photos, can you give me some photos of Lili Quintana please? jeje , congratulations. :D

alejandro said...

QUIET is a good work with the photos and contents.

Jeremy said...

very good Yanira you´re a good partner and i´m in the picture jiji

Borjiita!!! said...

Hi, Yanira! this post is good and I am in the first photo.

Kevin said...

very good post yanira. can you give me some photos of Lili(chona XD):)

Anonymous said...

Hi! Yanira very good work, but the other time i like see my in the photo!:D