Thursday, November 6, 2008

Last week ! ..

I am going to describe last week.
On Monday, the people that are in Classic Culture did the first exam of mythology. Then in Technology we introduced our works about energy. At last hour, in Alternative we presentated a work about poverty.
On Tuesday, in PE, some people played basketball and some people played football. Then, we had got English class with Sergio. We haven’t got geography because the teacher didn’t come.
On Wednesday, the geography’s teacher didn’t come too. So Victor, our French teacher, did French at fourth hour and we could go home at five to one.
On Thursday, we didn’t do anything special. We have the six lessons and anything more.On Friday, We couldn't have a shower because we run out of water. In tutorial Susi, the psychologist, did an activity with us to see the problem of the rumors.


Yanira Hernández. said...

lauraaaaaaaaa a good work i like this very much let's continueee jajajaj!
See you tomorrow (life)!!!

Jeremy said...

VeRy GoOd WoRk LaUrA YoUr PoSt Is VeRy GoOd.
Pd:My TeAm WaS tHe wInNeR tHe FrIdAy In P.e. JaJaJaJaJaJaJaJ =)

jessi! said...

hi lau:
I think that your post is excelllent! So I want say you:


Anonymous said...

oh my daughter! it's a very good work... I understand everthing hahaha! congratulations ..^^ Love you much ! I forgot my password .. but you can know that I'm sheilaaa !! hahaha

Eli said...

Hello Laura very good work, you have a good english, I like much the post, it's very good

Anonymous said...

lauritaaa !! very very good work ^^ I like it so much !!
see you soon (K)
I love you ^^ !

Anonymous said...

sorry =O i'm marta ^^

Almu!! said...

hi lauris!!
I like your post it´s very interesting
See you soon!

Itha* said...

hi laurita, congratulation your post is very good

Itha* said...

hi laurita, congratulation your post is very good

Anonymous said...

Very good work laura, you are the best I understand everithing.

Bye see you tomorrow.

Saúl =)

Anonymous said...

Very good work laura, you are the best I understand everithing.

Bye see you tomorrow.

Saúl =)

Laura said...

thank you very much at all the people that talk about my post ! =) i Loove you a lot of ^^